As we know, Elon Musk last year bought the social network Twitter. During this time we have seen some of the modifications that the new owner of the platform has made.

Some of them have been accepted by the users, such as the possibility of having more characters to write, and others have not been liked by famous users, pay a membership to ”Twitter Blue”, which enabled you to have a verified account. This did not have any kind of success as many verified users decided to unsubscribe from the platform.

CAIt may interest you: How to Create a X.COM account free and easy

How to Sign in to X.COM Account

Now Twitter is called ”X.com” and we got to see what modifications the Tesla owner wants for the platform’s rebirth. One of the most controversial decisions that he has taken in recent times was to prohibit Donald Trump from having a Twitter account.

But, but despite all these decisions, let’s see how to log in into X.com.

X.com gives you the opportunity to give your opinion on various topics that are trending in the world or in the region which you live.

Here, you can share images, videos and even make the famous ”threads” where users generally tell their followers about issues of interest. Let’s see how you can log in into it.

(The example in the images is from the PC)

Step 1: Go to X.COM and click on ‘Sign in’

log in to x account free

First, you’ll need to have the X.com app on your device. To do so, go to the AppStore on your iOS device or to the Play Store in you have a Android device.

Step 2: Enter phone number, email o username

Enter a phone number, email or username in order to create a new accont. Once you’re done tap on ”Next”.

sign in to x com account

Step 3: Enter a password

Now, X.com will ask you to enter a password. Type one and finally tap on ”Log In”. Here are some tips to you password: includes cappital letter, numbers and signs and remeber to have at least 8 characters.

how to sign in x com account

And now you’re done!

x.com homepage