After a long wait in which many of its competitors have come forward, WhatsApp has finally released its application to chat from the web. So, now we can use WhatsApp from any computer regardless of your operating system, or at least so it should have been.
Login in Whatsapp Web
And is that this launch has not been without controversy. First, the only browser the application supports is Chrome, then we’ll explain why. In addition, iOS users will not be able to use this web application even though they use the Google browser, and this is something that does not seem to change soon.
Whatsapp Web: How does it work?
When we access the WhatsApp Web page, it will show us a QR code that we will have to point to the camera of our mobile using the option “WhatsApp Web” implemented in the mobile application after its last update. Once this is done, the web will automatically synchronize with our device via WiFi or our data connection.
The connection to the WhatsApp servers is not done from the web page, but directly from the mobile that we have synchronized to it. In this way, all conversations and images that we handle are downloading from the server and loading on the web directly from our mobile phone, so if this fails we will not be able to use the service.
- It may interest you: Sign in WhatsApp Tutorial
This indicates that what the WhatsApp web offers is not an instant messaging client in the cloud like that offered by big competitors like Telegram, but a direct access to the application of our mobile phone, and that depends at all times of this to be able function. Time will tell if this decision has been successful or if they have missed an opportunity to catch up with what the competition offers.
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